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MLY1-C40 / 385 кадыр-барк

Өткөрүү датасы: 19-2025

Электр тутумдарына өтүүдөн баш тартууга барган сайын начарлап бараткан доордоTheMly1-c40/385 Аялдык коргоочу AC электр энергиясын бөлүштүрүү тутумун коргоодо маанилүү компонент болуп саналат. Designed to meet a wide range of power configurations, including IT, TT, TN-C, TN-S, and TN-CS systems, this Class II surge protection device (SPD) provides robust protection against indirect and direct lightning effects and other transient overvoltage events. Compliant with IEC61643-1:1998-02, the MLY1-C40/385 ensures your electrical infrastructure remains safe and operational, even in the face of nature's unpredictability.



MLY1-C40 / 385 МЛЮ1-C40 / 385 - орнотууну жөнөкөйлөтүп, колдонуу жөндөмдүүлүгүн жакшыртат. Designed for indoor fixed installation, this surge protector is ideal for commercial and industrial environments where space and accessibility may be limited. The voltage limiting type ensures that any surges are effectively suppressed, preventing them from reaching critical equipment and causing potential damage. This thoughtful design not only protects your investment, but also extends the life of your electrical system.




+86 13291685922
Email: mulang@mlele.com